Fall and Spring Picnics
Each year, Riverside families get together in September, and again in June, for our wonderful school picnics. While kids enjoy the playground, parents catch up with neighbors, enjoy a delicious potluck and meet other members of our Riverside community. Food and drinks are available for purchase and each grade is asked to contribute items such as salads, fruits and desserts. Picnics mean music, dancing and lots of laughter.
This is a potluck and we ask that each family bring a dish - this year's "grade" requests are coming soon!
TBD- Appetizers
TBD - Dessert
TBD - Pasta/Rice, Bean salad
TBD - Pasta/Rice, Bean salad
TBD - Green Salad
TBD - Green Salad
Please sign up to volunteer at: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4baeae2ea5f94-riverside1
If you are able to, we invite you to please bring your own reusable/recyclable plates, cups and utensils, as Riverside is working towards being more "green".
If you are interested in volunteering at the picnic, please contact president@rspto.org .