
Each year, the RSPTO spends over $130 per child on programs and services.  We suggest that Riverside families contribute annual dues of $50 per child, which, together with funds raised and donations, go directly to support your child’s learning experience through residencies, assemblies, classroom supplies and other programs.   The RSPTO is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, and donations are tax deductible and may be eligible for corporate matching gifts.  

 PTO dues and other donations can be made by check, payable to the Riverside PTO, and dropped in the lock-box located in the Riverside School front office.   You can also contribute via  Venmo to: @riverside-PTO or through our Fundraising page on Konstella.

In addition to dues, the RSPTO generally raises funds through one or two major social events each year, as well as ongoing programs like McCaffrey's receipts – there's a white drop-box in front of the school. Our two main fundraising events are a Party-board event in November and the Spring Fling  in May.

We hope that you come and enjoy our social events, which are intended to build community, as well as help us raise money so we can continue to enrich the educational experience of our kids. 

Passive fundraising is a great way to support the school because every family and community member can be involved without spending money.  We have implemented the following programs ( listed below) that you can participate in to help raise funds for our school. The money raised can make all the difference in the number and quality of our educational activities that all our students will enjoy.

We encourage all our families to participate in at least one of these fundraising programs.  Please consider making it a family effort by inviting family members and friends to participate as well.  Thank you for your support.  "Every Little Bit Helps."


McCaffrey's will donate 1% of purchases (excluding milk, cigarettes and tax) to Riverside! We earn approximately $1500 each year through this program. Drop receipts off in the box labeled McCaffrey receipts in the PTO Bulletin Center.