Pasta Night and Party Boards - November 14th 5:30-7:30 pm
Post date: Nov 03, 2014 8:48:33 PM
The Pasta Dinner and Party Boards night is our biggest fundraiser of the year and we welcome you to be a part of the success!
We need 1) parents to help with the fundraising Party Boards, 2) adult volunteers to help with the Pasta Dinner, and 3) 5thGraders to volunteer asfood servers. Volunteer opportunities for the Party Boards are available at the link below. It’s fun and easy!
To assist with theParty Boards including making copies of the programs, setting up and helping people answer questions throughout the night and with check out, please sign up here:
Appreciate a night off from cooking? Pasta Dinner is on us—no charge! We’ll provide pasta entrees, salad and drinks.However, we need your help making it happen! To help decorate the cafeteria, organize 5th grade servers, food servers, monitor tables, help clean up, or bring desserts, please sign up here:
Our Riverside 5th graders will be working as food servers to earn tips for their Gettysburg trip later this year. 5th Graders should sign up to volunteer here: